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Daily Current Affairs 31 May, 2021 in English

Daily Current Affairs 31 May, 2021 in English

Daily Current Affairs 31 May, 2021 in English

Daily Current Affairs

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31 May, 2021 Current Affairs in English

Daily Current Affairs 31 May, 2021 in English

  1. Where is NATO conducting military exercises “Steadfast Defender 21 War Games” when tension increases with Russia ? Black Sea
  2. Which indigenous patrolling ship is commissioned into the Indian Navy’s fleet ? Sajag
  3. Who has become the oldest person in the world to climb the highest Everest peak at the age of 75 ? Arthur Muir, America
    * He set a new record breaking the record held by Bill Bukrey of 67 year, (2009).
  4. Who is appointed as the first female Army Secretary by the US Senate ? Christine Wermuth
  5. Under which scheme will the benefit of insurance be provided by the central government to the dependents who lose earning members in the corona ? Employees Deposit Linked Insurance (EDLI) Scheme
    * Along with this, those children will be given assistance by the central government under the PM Cares for Children scheme,those who have lost both their parents or guardians due to corona pandemic. Also,such children will be given monthly assistance amount to the age of 18 and at the age of 23 Rs 10 lakh fund will be given by PM Cares.
  6. Which state government launched the Smart Kitchen Scheme ? Kerala
    * Under this scheme, the women of the state will be given loan for the renovation of the kitchen.Loans will be made available in installment schemes at low interest rates. Its aim is to reduce the workload of domestic labor of women.
  7. In which country, due to the sudden increase in the number of rats, there is declared rat epidemic (plague) ? Australia
    * To kill rats 5000 liters of banned poison ‘Bromadiolone’ has been imported from India by the Australian government.
    * Chemical formula of Bromadiolone is – C30H23BrO4
  8. What is the theme of World Hunger Day (28 May) 2021 ? Access Ends Hunger
  9. Where will be Women’s Rugby World Cup 2022 held ? New Zealand
  10. Who is the author of the book “Life in the Clock Tower Valley” ? Shakur Rather

Daily Current Affairs 30 May, 2021 in English

Daily Current Affairs 29 May, 2021 in English

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