Important Joint Military Exercises 2020
Important Joint Military Exercises 2020
In these Military exercises country uses military resources for the Constructive purpose, disaster management, strategic diplomacy & training for military operations.
It explores the benefits of war without facing actual war. These exercise shows how our military are ready for war. Also, soldiers from one country to another share experiences with each others .This military exercise also gives a warning message to the opposing countries.
Current Affairs is the most important part of any competitive exams. Under this Section ,National events, International developments, Economic Scenario, Awards, Sports, Appointments, Conferences, Joint Military Exercises etc. are prominent topics . It is difficult to cover all these topics at one sets. Hence, a lot of effort has been made to focus on each & every topic. In this set, I tried to provide information on Joint Military Exercises : at a glance. India , Japan, Australia and United States of America joint military exercises Malabar -2020 is very important for competitive exams .
सैन्य अभ्यास | किन-किन देशों और सेनाओं के बीच | स्थान |
SLINEX 2020 | भारत और श्रीलंका नौसेना | त्रिंकोमाली तट,श्रीलंका |
PASSEX 2020 | भारत और रूस नौसेना | पूर्वी हिंद महासागर क्षेत्र |
SIMBEX 2020 | भारत और सिंगापुर नौसेना | अंडमान सागर |
SITMEX 2020 | भारत, सिंगापुर, थाईलैंड नौसेना | अंडमान सागर |
MALABAR | भारत, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, जापान और ऑस्ट्रेलिया नौसेना | फेज I- बंगाल की खाड़ी फेज II- अरब सागर |
Bongosagar 2020 | भारत और बांग्लादेश नौसेना | बंगाल की खाड़ी |
Suraksha Kavach | महाराष्ट्र पुलिस और भारतीय सेना | महाराष्ट्र |
JIMEX 2020 | भारत और जापान नौसेना | अरब सागर |
EX Indradhanush 2020 | भारत और यूके वायु सेना | हिंडन, गाजियाबाद उ० प्रदेश |
AJEYA Warrior 2020 | भारत और यूके थल सेना | सेलिसबरी, ब्रिटेन |
Sahyog Kaijin 2020 | भारत और जापान कॉस्टल गार्ड | चेन्नई |
BIMSTEC Disaster Management 2020 | भारत, बांग्लादेश, नेपाल, श्रीलंका और म्यांमार | पुरी, उड़ीसा |
SAMPRITI IX | भारत और बांग्लादेश थल सेना | मेघालय |
INDRA 2020 | भारत और रूस नौसेना | बंगाल की खाड़ी |
Name of Exercise | Participating Countries | Held At | |
SLINEX 2020 | Indian and Sri Lankan Navy | Trincomalee coast | |
PASSEX 2020 | India and Russia Navy | Eastern Indian Ocean Region | |
SIMBEX 2020 | Indian and Singapore navy | Andaman Sea | |
SITMEX 2020 | India, Singapore and Thailand Navy | Andaman Sea | |
MALABAR | India , United States , Japan and Australian Navy | Phase I- Bay of Bengal Phase II- Arabian Sea | |
Bongosagar 2020 | India and Bangladesh | Bay Of Bengal | |
Suraksha Kavach | Maharashtra Police and Indian Army | Maharastra | |
JIMEX 2020 | India and Japan Navy | North Arabian Sea | |
EX Indradhanush 2020 | India and UK Air | Hindan, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh | |
AJEYA Warrior 2020 | India and UK Army | Salisbury,UK | |
Sahyog Kaijin 2020 | India and Japan | Chennai | |
BIMSTEC Disaster Management 2020 | India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka & Myanmar | Puri,Odisha | |
SAMPRITI IX | India and Bangladesh Army | Meghalay | |
INDRA 2020 | India and Russia Navy | Bay Of Bengal |
Desh Ka Pahla Raajy 2020 Set No. 1
Desh Ka Pahla Raajy 2020 Set No. 2
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